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Link hashtags to Reader when Chorus mode enabled

instead of linking to posts only on a user's blog.

Ref T681
Matt Baer 4 years ago
10 changed files with 50 additions and 39 deletions
  1. +4
  2. +3
  3. +3
  4. +7
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  7. +14
  8. +12
  9. +2
  10. +1

+ 4
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activitypub.go View File

@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ func handleFetchCollectionOutbox(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reques
ocp := activitystreams.NewOrderedCollectionPage(accountRoot, "outbox", res.TotalPosts, p)
ocp.OrderedItems = []interface{}{}

posts, err := app.db.GetPosts(c, p, false, true, false)
posts, err := app.db.GetPosts(app.cfg, c, p, false, true, false)
for _, pp := range *posts {
pp.Collection = res
o := pp.ActivityObject()
o := pp.ActivityObject(app.cfg)
a := activitystreams.NewCreateActivity(o)
ocp.OrderedItems = append(ocp.OrderedItems, *a)
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ func deleteFederatedPost(app *App, p *PublicPost, collID int64) error {
p.Collection.hostName = app.cfg.App.Host
actor := p.Collection.PersonObject(collID)
na := p.ActivityObject()
na := p.ActivityObject(app.cfg)

// Add followers
p.Collection.ID = collID
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ func federatePost(app *App, p *PublicPost, collID int64, isUpdate bool) error {
actor := p.Collection.PersonObject(collID)
na := p.ActivityObject()
na := p.ActivityObject(app.cfg)

// Add followers
p.Collection.ID = collID

+ 3
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app.go View File

@@ -224,14 +224,14 @@ func handleViewHome(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
log.Error("unable to get landing banner: %v", err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("Could not get banner: %v", err)}
p.Banner = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(banner.Content), ""))
p.Banner = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(banner.Content), "", app.cfg))

content, err := getLandingBody(app)
if err != nil {
log.Error("unable to get landing content: %v", err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("Could not get content: %v", err)}
p.Content = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(content.Content), ""))
p.Content = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(content.Content), "", app.cfg))

// Get error messages
session, err := app.sessionStore.Get(r, cookieName)
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ func handleTemplatedPage(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, t *te
return err
p.ContentTitle = c.Title.String
p.Content = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(c.Content), ""))
p.Content = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(c.Content), "", app.cfg))
p.PlainContent = shortPostDescription(stripmd.Strip(c.Content))
if !c.Updated.IsZero() {
p.Updated = c.Updated.Format("January 2, 2006")

+ 3
- 3
collections.go View File

@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ func fetchCollectionPosts(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) erro

posts, err := app.db.GetPosts(c, page, isCollOwner, false, false)
posts, err := app.db.GetPosts(app.cfg, c, page, isCollOwner, false, false)
if err != nil {
return err
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ func handleViewCollection(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) erro
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusFound, redirURL}

coll.Posts, _ = app.db.GetPosts(c, page, cr.isCollOwner, false, false)
coll.Posts, _ = app.db.GetPosts(app.cfg, c, page, cr.isCollOwner, false, false)

// Serve collection
displayPage := CollectionPage{
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ func handleViewCollectionTag(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) e

coll := newDisplayCollection(c, cr, page)

coll.Posts, _ = app.db.GetPostsTagged(c, tag, page, cr.isCollOwner)
coll.Posts, _ = app.db.GetPostsTagged(app.cfg, c, tag, page, cr.isCollOwner)
if coll.Posts != nil && len(*coll.Posts) == 0 {
return ErrCollectionPageNotFound

+ 7
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database.go View File

@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import (

@@ -105,8 +106,8 @@ type writestore interface {
ClaimPosts(userID int64, collAlias string, posts *[]ClaimPostRequest) (*[]ClaimPostResult, error)

GetPostsCount(c *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool)
GetPosts(c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecentFirst, includePinned bool) (*[]PublicPost, error)
GetPostsTagged(c *Collection, tag string, page int, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error)
GetPosts(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecentFirst, includePinned bool) (*[]PublicPost, error)
GetPostsTagged(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, tag string, page int, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error)

GetAPFollowers(c *Collection) (*[]RemoteUser, error)
GetAPActorKeys(collectionID int64) ([]byte, []byte)
@@ -1067,7 +1068,7 @@ func (db *datastore) GetPostsCount(c *CollectionObj, includeFuture bool) {
// It will return future posts if `includeFuture` is true.
// It will include only standard (non-pinned) posts unless `includePinned` is true.
// TODO: change includeFuture to isOwner, since that's how it's used
func (db *datastore) GetPosts(c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecentFirst, includePinned bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
func (db *datastore) GetPosts(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecentFirst, includePinned bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
collID := c.ID

cf := c.NewFormat()
@@ -1112,7 +1113,7 @@ func (db *datastore) GetPosts(c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecen
p.formatContent(c, includeFuture)
p.formatContent(cfg, c, includeFuture)

posts = append(posts, p.processPost())
@@ -1128,7 +1129,7 @@ func (db *datastore) GetPosts(c *Collection, page int, includeFuture, forceRecen
// given tag.
// It will return future posts if `includeFuture` is true.
// TODO: change includeFuture to isOwner, since that's how it's used
func (db *datastore) GetPostsTagged(c *Collection, tag string, page int, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
func (db *datastore) GetPostsTagged(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, tag string, page int, includeFuture bool) (*[]PublicPost, error) {
collID := c.ID

cf := c.NewFormat()
@@ -1176,7 +1177,7 @@ func (db *datastore) GetPostsTagged(c *Collection, tag string, page int, include
p.formatContent(c, includeFuture)
p.formatContent(cfg, c, includeFuture)

posts = append(posts, p.processPost())

+ 1
- 1
export.go View File

@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ func compileFullExport(app *App, u *User) *ExportUser {
var collObjs []CollectionObj
for _, c := range *colls {
co := &CollectionObj{Collection: c}
co.Posts, err = app.db.GetPosts(&c, 0, true, false, true)
co.Posts, err = app.db.GetPosts(app.cfg, &c, 0, true, false, true)
if err != nil {
log.Error("unable to get collection posts: %v", err)

+ 3
- 3
feed.go View File

@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ func ViewFeed(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {

tag := mux.Vars(req)["tag"]
if tag != "" {
coll.Posts, _ = app.db.GetPostsTagged(c, tag, 1, false)
coll.Posts, _ = app.db.GetPostsTagged(app.cfg, c, tag, 1, false)
} else {
coll.Posts, _ = app.db.GetPosts(c, 1, false, true, false)
coll.Posts, _ = app.db.GetPosts(app.cfg, c, 1, false, true, false)

author := ""
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func ViewFeed(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) error {
Title: title,
Link: &Link{Href: permalink},
Description: "<![CDATA[" + stripmd.Strip(p.Content) + "]]>",
Content: applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content), ""),
Content: applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content), "", app.cfg),
Author: &Author{author, ""},
Created: p.Created,
Updated: p.Updated,

+ 14
- 9
postrender.go View File

@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import (
stripmd ""
@@ -34,27 +35,27 @@ var (
markeddownReg = regexp.MustCompile("<p>(.+)</p>")

func (p *Post) formatContent(c *Collection, isOwner bool) {
func (p *Post) formatContent(cfg *config.Config, c *Collection, isOwner bool) {
baseURL := c.CanonicalURL()
if !isSingleUser {
baseURL = "/" + c.Alias + "/"
p.HTMLTitle = template.HTML(applyBasicMarkdown([]byte(p.Title.String)))
p.HTMLContent = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content), baseURL))
p.HTMLContent = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content), baseURL, cfg))
if exc := strings.Index(string(p.Content), "<!--more-->"); exc > -1 {
p.HTMLExcerpt = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content[:exc]), baseURL))
p.HTMLExcerpt = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content[:exc]), baseURL, cfg))

func (p *PublicPost) formatContent(isOwner bool) {
p.Post.formatContent(&p.Collection.Collection, isOwner)
func (p *PublicPost) formatContent(cfg *config.Config, isOwner bool) {
p.Post.formatContent(cfg, &p.Collection.Collection, isOwner)

func applyMarkdown(data []byte, baseURL string) string {
return applyMarkdownSpecial(data, false, baseURL)
func applyMarkdown(data []byte, baseURL string, cfg *config.Config) string {
return applyMarkdownSpecial(data, false, baseURL, cfg)

func applyMarkdownSpecial(data []byte, skipNoFollow bool, baseURL string) string {
func applyMarkdownSpecial(data []byte, skipNoFollow bool, baseURL string, cfg *config.Config) string {
mdExtensions := 0 |
blackfriday.EXTENSION_TABLES |
@@ -74,7 +75,11 @@ func applyMarkdownSpecial(data []byte, skipNoFollow bool, baseURL string) string
md := blackfriday.Markdown([]byte(data), blackfriday.HtmlRenderer(htmlFlags, "", ""), mdExtensions)
if baseURL != "" {
// Replace special text generated by Markdown parser
md = []byte(hashtagReg.ReplaceAll(md, []byte("<a href=\""+baseURL+"tag:$1\" class=\"hashtag\"><span>#</span><span class=\"p-category\">$1</span></a>")))
tagPrefix := baseURL + "tag:"
if cfg.App.Chorus {
tagPrefix = "/read/t/"
md = []byte(hashtagReg.ReplaceAll(md, []byte("<a href=\""+tagPrefix+"$1\" class=\"hashtag\"><span>#</span><span class=\"p-category\">$1</span></a>")))
// Strip out bad HTML
policy := getSanitizationPolicy()

+ 12
- 7
posts.go View File

@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import (
@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ func handleViewPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
Direction: d,
if !isRaw {
post.HTMLContent = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(content), ""))
post.HTMLContent = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(content), "", app.cfg))

@@ -1032,7 +1033,7 @@ func fetchPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {

p.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: *coll}
po := p.ActivityObject()
po := p.ActivityObject(app.cfg)
po.Context = []interface{}{activitystreams.Namespace}
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, po, http.StatusOK)
@@ -1067,7 +1068,7 @@ func (p *PublicPost) CanonicalURL() string {
return p.Collection.CanonicalURL() + p.Slug.String

func (p *PublicPost) ActivityObject() *activitystreams.Object {
func (p *PublicPost) ActivityObject(cfg *config.Config) *activitystreams.Object {
o := activitystreams.NewArticleObject()
o.ID = p.Collection.FederatedAPIBase() + "api/posts/" + p.ID
o.Published = p.Created
@@ -1078,7 +1079,7 @@ func (p *PublicPost) ActivityObject() *activitystreams.Object {
o.Name = p.DisplayTitle()
if p.HTMLContent == template.HTML("") {
p.formatContent(cfg, false)
o.Content = string(p.HTMLContent)
if p.Language.Valid {
@@ -1093,7 +1094,11 @@ func (p *PublicPost) ActivityObject() *activitystreams.Object {
if isSingleUser {
tagBaseURL = p.Collection.CanonicalURL() + "tag:"
} else {
tagBaseURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/tag:", p.Collection.hostName, p.Collection.Alias)
if cfg.App.Chorus {
tagBaseURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/read/t/", p.Collection.hostName)
} else {
tagBaseURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/tag:", p.Collection.hostName, p.Collection.Alias)
for _, t := range p.Tags {
o.Tag = append(o.Tag, activitystreams.Tag{
@@ -1330,14 +1335,14 @@ func viewCollectionPost(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error
fmt.Fprint(w, p.Content)
} else if strings.Contains(r.Header.Get("Accept"), "application/activity+json") {
ap := p.ActivityObject()
ap := p.ActivityObject(app.cfg)
ap.Context = []interface{}{activitystreams.Namespace}
return impart.RenderActivityJSON(w, ap, http.StatusOK)
} else {
p.Content = strings.Replace(p.Content, "<!--more-->", "", 1)
// TODO: move this to function
p.formatContent(app.cfg, cr.isCollOwner)
tp := struct {

+ 2
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read.go View File

@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func (app *App) FetchPublicPosts() (interface{}, error) {

p.HTMLContent = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content), ""))
p.HTMLContent = template.HTML(applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content), "", app.cfg))
fp := p.processPost()
if isCollectionPost {
fp.Collection = &CollectionObj{Collection: *c}
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ func viewLocalTimelineFeed(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) e
Title: title,
Link: &Link{Href: permalink},
Description: "<![CDATA[" + stripmd.Strip(p.Content) + "]]>",
Content: applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content), ""),
Content: applyMarkdown([]byte(p.Content), "", app.cfg),
Author: &Author{author, ""},
Created: p.Created,
Updated: p.Updated,

+ 1
- 1
sitemap.go View File

@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func handleViewSitemap(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
host = c.CanonicalURL()

sm := buildSitemap(host, pre)
posts, err := app.db.GetPosts(c, 0, false, false, false)
posts, err := app.db.GetPosts(app.cfg, c, 0, false, false, false)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error getting posts: %v", err)
return err
