Kaynağa Gözat

Replace old "quick start" section with Getting Started link

Matt Baer 4 yıl önce
1 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 1 ekleme ve 25 silme
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README.md Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -63,31 +63,7 @@ WriteFreely has minimal requirements to get up and running — you only need to

> **Note** this is currently alpha software. We're quickly moving out of this v0.x stage, but while we're in it, there are no guarantees that this is ready for production use.

First, download the [latest release](https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/releases/latest) for your OS. It includes everything you need to start your blog.

Now extract the files from the archive, change into the directory, and do the following steps:

# 1) Configure your blog
./writefreely --config

# 2) (if you chose MySQL in the previous step) Log into MySQL and run:
# CREATE DATABASE writefreely;

# 3) (if you chose Multi-user setup) Import the schema with:
./writefreely --init-db

# 4) Generate data encryption keys
./writefreely --gen-keys

# 5) Run

# 6) Check out your site at the URL you specified in the setup process
# 7) There is no Step 7, you're done!

For running in production, [see our guide](https://writefreely.org/start#production).
To get started, head over to our [Getting Started guide](https://writefreely.org/start). For production use, jump to the [Running in Production](https://writefreely.org/start#production) section.

## Packages
