A clean, Markdown-based publishing platform made for writers. Write together, and build a community. https://writefreely.org
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  2. <p align="center">
  3. <a href="https://writefreely.org"><img src="https://writefreely.org/img/writefreely.svg" width="350px" alt="Write Freely" /></a>
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  23. &nbsp;
  24. WriteFreely is a beautifully pared-down blogging platform that's simple on the surface, yet powerful underneath.
  25. It's designed to be flexible and share your writing widely, so it's built around plain text and can publish to the _fediverse_ via ActivityPub. It's easy to install and light enough to run on a Raspberry Pi.
  26. [Try the editor](https://write.as/new)
  27. [Find an instance](https://writefreely.org/instances)
  28. ## Features
  29. * Start a blog for yourself, or host a community of writers
  30. * Form larger federated networks, and interact over modern protocols like ActivityPub
  31. * Write on a fast, dead-simple, and distraction-free editor
  32. * [Format text](https://howto.write.as/getting-started) with Markdown
  33. * [Organize posts](https://howto.write.as/organization) with hashtags
  34. * Create [static pages](https://howto.write.as/creating-a-static-page)
  35. * Publish drafts and let others proofread them by sharing a private link
  36. * Create multiple lightweight blogs under a single account
  37. * Export all data in plain text files
  38. * Read a stream of other posts in your writing community
  39. * Build more advanced apps and extensions with the [well-documented API](https://developers.write.as/docs/api/)
  40. * Designed around user privacy and consent
  41. ## Hosting
  42. We offer two kinds of hosting services that make WriteFreely deployment painless: [Write.as](https://write.as) for individuals, and [WriteFreely.host](https://writefreely.host) for communities. Besides saving you time, as a customer you directly help fund WriteFreely development.
  43. ### [![Write.as](https://write.as/img/writeas-wf-readme.png)](https://write.as/)
  44. Start a personal blog on [Write.as](https://write.as), our flagship instance. Built to eliminate setup friction and preserve your privacy, Write.as helps you start a blog in seconds. It supports custom domains (with SSL) and multiple blogs / pen names per account. [Read more here](https://write.as/pricing).
  45. ### [![WriteFreely.host](https://writefreely.host/img/wfhost-wf-readme.png)](https://writefreely.host)
  46. [WriteFreely.host](https://writefreely.host) makes it easy to start a close-knit community — to share knowledge, complement your Mastodon instance, or publish updates in your organization. We take care of the hosting, upgrades, backups, and maintenance so you can focus on writing.
  47. ## Quick start
  48. WriteFreely has minimal requirements to get up and running — you only need to be able to run an executable.
  49. > **Note** this is currently alpha software. We're quickly moving out of this v0.x stage, but while we're in it, there are no guarantees that this is ready for production use.
  50. First, download the [latest release](https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/releases/latest) for your OS. It includes everything you need to start your blog.
  51. Now extract the files from the archive, change into the directory, and do the following steps:
  52. ```bash
  53. # 1) Configure your blog
  54. ./writefreely --config
  55. # 2) (if you chose MySQL in the previous step) Log into MySQL and run:
  56. # CREATE DATABASE writefreely;
  57. # 3) (if you chose Multi-user setup) Import the schema with:
  58. ./writefreely --init-db
  59. # 4) Generate data encryption keys
  60. ./writefreely --gen-keys
  61. # 5) Run
  62. ./writefreely
  63. # 6) Check out your site at the URL you specified in the setup process
  64. # 7) There is no Step 7, you're done!
  65. ```
  66. For running in production, [see our guide](https://writefreely.org/start#production).
  67. ## Packages
  68. WriteFreely is available in these package repositories:
  69. * [Arch User Repository](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/writefreely/)
  70. ## Development
  71. Ready to hack on your site? Here's a quick overview.
  72. ### Prerequisites
  73. * [Go 1.10+](https://golang.org/dl/)
  74. * [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
  75. ### Setting up
  76. ```bash
  77. go get -d github.com/writeas/writefreely/cmd/writefreely
  78. ```
  79. Configure your site, create your database, and import the schema [as shown above](#quick-start). Then generate the remaining files you'll need:
  80. ```bash
  81. make install # Generates encryption keys; installs LESS compiler
  82. make ui # Generates CSS (run this whenever you update your styles)
  83. make run # Runs the application
  84. ```
  85. ## Docker
  86. ### Using Docker for Development
  87. If you'd like to use Docker as a base for working on a site's styles and such,
  88. you can run the following from a Bash shell.
  89. *Note: This process is intended only for working on site styling. If you'd
  90. like to run Write Freely in production as a Docker service, it'll require a
  91. little more work.*
  92. The `docker-setup.sh` script will present you with a few questions to set up
  93. your dev instance. You can hit enter for most of them, except for "Admin username"
  94. and "Admin password." You'll probably have to wait a few seconds after running
  95. `docker-compose up -d` for the Docker services to come up before running the
  96. bash script.
  97. ```
  98. docker-compose up -d
  99. ./docker-setup.sh
  100. ```
  101. Now you should be able to navigate to http://localhost:8080 and start working!
  102. When you're completely done working, you can run `docker-compose down` to destroy
  103. your virtual environment, including your database data. Otherwise, `docker-compose stop`
  104. will shut down your environment without destroying your data.
  105. ### Using Docker for Production
  106. Write Freely doesn't yet provide an official Docker pathway to production. We're
  107. working on it, though!
  108. ## Contributing
  109. We gladly welcome contributions to WriteFreely, whether in the form of [code](https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-to-writefreely), [bug reports](https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/issues/new?template=bug_report.md), [feature requests](https://discuss.write.as/c/feedback/feature-requests), [translations](https://poeditor.com/join/project/TIZ6HFRFdE), or [documentation](https://github.com/writefreely/documentation) improvements.
  110. Before contributing anything, please read our [Contributing Guide](https://github.com/writeas/writefreely/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-to-writefreely). It describes the correct channels for submitting contributions and any potential requirements.
  111. ## License
  112. Licensed under the AGPL.