Source code for the WriteFreely SwiftUI app for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS
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Angelo Stavrow 664eb44882
Update changelog for release
há 1 mês
ActionExtension-iOS Cleanup há 1 ano
Shared Improve offline experience (#255) há 6 meses
Technotes Add troubleshooting/deploy details to technote há 3 anos
Tests iOS Add SwiftLint and sort out boilerplate warnings and errors há 3 anos
Tests macOS Add SwiftLint and sort out boilerplate warnings and errors há 3 anos
WriteFreely-MultiPlatform.xcodeproj Bump build number há 3 meses
iOS Improve offline experience (#255) há 6 meses
macOS Improve offline experience (#255) há 6 meses
.gitignore Update minimum required version of WriteFreely Swift package há 2 anos
.swiftlint.yml Implement basic post store and list / editor UI components há 3 anos Update changelog for release há 1 mês Add project metadocuments há 3 anos Add project metadocuments há 3 anos Swift from AGPLv3 to GPLv3 há 3 anos Update README with office hours link há 3 anos
WFACollection+CoreDataClass.swift Add WFACollection NSManagedObject class for local storage há 3 anos
WFACollection+CoreDataProperties.swift Fetch user collections into CoreData and list from ManagedObjectContext há 3 anos
WFAPost+CoreDataClass.swift Add WFAPost NSManagedObject class for local storage há 3 anos
WFAPost+CoreDataProperties.swift Add wasDeletedFromServer flag to WFAPost entity há 3 anos
WriteFreely-MultiPlatform (iOS).entitlements Add App Group entitlement há 2 anos

WriteFreely SwiftUI MultiPlatform Client

A multiplatform (iOS, iPadOS, and macOS) client for WriteFreely, built in SwiftUI.

How To Get The Apps

The iOS app is now available on the App Store for iPhones and iPads running iOS 14. Check out this help forum topic for a guide on using the app.

The Mac app is still under development.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


⚠️ Building and testing the iOS targets will work on any version of macOS that supports Xcode 12, but building and testing the macOS target requires macOS 11 (Big Sur).

SwiftLint is run as a build phase for all targets, so that linting warnings and errors are shown in Xcode.

Running the tests

To run the tests, select the scheme you want to test (iOS or macOS) and choose ProductTest from the Xcode menu.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Need help getting started? Find out more about the project’s office hours.


We use SemVer for versioning and track changes in For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the GPL v3 License. See the file for details.