[MIRROR: https://git.mills.io/prologic/go-gopher] Gopher (RFC 1436) protocol library for the Go (Golang) programming language supporting both client and server
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29 rivejä
450 B

  1. .PHONY: build install profile bench test clean
  2. all: build
  3. build:
  4. @go build -o client ./examples/client
  5. @go build -o fileserver ./examples/fileserver
  6. @go build -o hello ./examples/hello
  7. install:
  8. @go install ./...
  9. profile:
  10. @go test -cpuprofile cpu.prof -memprofile mem.prof -v -bench . .
  11. bench:
  12. @go test -bench . .
  13. test:
  14. @go test \
  15. -race \
  16. -cover \
  17. -coverprofile=coverage.txt \
  18. -covermode=atomic \
  19. .
  20. clean:
  21. @git clean -f -d -X