Write.as GTK desktop app https://write.as/apps/desktop
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.
Cassidy James Blaede b8f4ea365c Add tooltips with keyboard shortcuts 5 anos atrás
data Bump version to 1.0.2 5 anos atrás
debian Bump version to 1.0.2 5 anos atrás
src Add tooltips with keyboard shortcuts 5 anos atrás
.gitignore Add .gitignore 6 anos atrás
.travis.yml Change Travis builds to deb-packaging branch 5 anos atrás
LICENSE Add GPL license 5 anos atrás
README.md Add links to the app on Write.as / AppCenter 5 anos atrás
USER_GUIDE.md Mention what to do after publishing 5 anos atrás
meson.build Bump version to 1.0.2 5 anos atrás
screenshot-monospace.png Update screenshots 5 anos atrás
screenshot-sans-light.png Update screenshots 5 anos atrás
screenshot-serif-dark.png Update screenshots 5 anos atrás
screenshot-serif-light.png Update screenshots 5 anos atrás


Write.as GTK App

Get the app from Write.as   Get the app on AppCenter

A Write.as desktop app that targets all freedesktop.org compliant desktops, e.g. GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, etc; basically everything except Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. It lets you compose and publish posts to Write.as.

For a UI toolkit it uses GTK, and relies on the writeas-cli for API calls and post management.

Write.as GTK is libre, not gratis, software. Please try the app free of charge, but purchase a copy if you continue using it.


See the User Guide.


Write.as GTK uses the Meson/Ninja build system, and as such you can install it on any FreeDesktop.Org compatible system using:

# Install latest version of meson
# Either via pip:
pip3 install meson
# Or, if you need to build the .deb:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/meson
sudo apt update
sudo apt install meson

# Build
meson build && cd build

# Install
sudo ninja install

This will install the executable file and the metadata required to integrate with those desktops. It also installs metadata to be collected by package repositories which integrate with certain package managers for richer presentation of apps.

Though not required for local use, Write.as GTK relies on our command-line interface for publishing to Write.as. Install it by downloading the latest release or, with Go (golang) installed, running:

go get github.com/writeas/writeas-cli/cmd/writeas


You can package Write.as GTK for Debian/Apt-based systems by running in this repository’s root directory:

dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc

This’ll give you a .deb file in the parent directory.