Make Medium Readable Again

Available in the Chrome Web Store Get the Firefox Add-on Get the Safari Extension

Available in the Chrome Web Store Get the Firefox Add-on

Make Medium Readable Again is a [Chrome extension](, [Firefox add-on]( and [Safari extension]( that improves a reading experience ruined by user engagement tactics. Medium was actually readable once; this extension aims to help people pay attention to writers' words again instead of Medium's UX. ### Improves readability by * Keeping the top navigation bar from sticking around * Hiding the bottom "Get Updates" bar completely * Shrinking massive header images * Hiding "posts meter" bar and Upgrade header button * Hiding "Open in App" button on mobile * Blocking the "pardon the interruption" popup * (Optionally) hiding the clap / share bar * (Optionally) loading all post images up front, instead of lazy loading as you scroll * (Optionally) disabling the popup menu that appears when selecting text ### Preview _Unreadable Medium_ ![Medium: unreadable](before.png) _Medium Made Readable Again_ ![Medium Made Readable Again](after.png) ### Contributing Want to improve something? Please do! Send a pull request or file an issue! ### License MIT ### Credits I'm Matt Baer, and I'm tired of annoying, user-hostile software. Inspired by this and a time when Medium was more readable, I built a writing platform called []( that [works great if you never sign up](, [lets you read](, and leaves out the comments, claps, and [dickbars]( It's perfect for when you just need to get your thoughts out — and if you want to share, you can always cross-post to Medium. ### Disclaimer regarding extension permissions This extension requires access to all websites in order to make Medium articles on publications with different domain names than also readable. ### Related Other extensions to make the internet less annoying: * [Make Facebook Browsable](