<imgsrc="https://baer.works/image/MMRA-marquee.png"alt="Make Medium Readable Again"/>
<ahref="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kljjfejkagofbgklifblndjelgabcmig"><imgsrc="https://baer.works/image/CWS.png"alt="Available in the Chrome Web Store"/></a>
<ahref="https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/make-medium-readable-again/"><imgsrc="https://baer.works/image/AMO.png"alt="Get the Firefox Add-on"/></a>
Make Medium Readable Again is a [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kljjfejkagofbgklifblndjelgabcmig) and [Firefox add-on](https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/make-medium-readable-again/) that improves a reading experience ruined by user engagement tactics. Medium was actually readable once; this extension aims to help people pay attention to writers' words again instead of Medium's UX.
I'm Matt Baer, and I like building software that thinks about its users. Inspired by this and a time when Medium was more readable, I built a writing platform called [Write.as](https://write.as) that [works great if you never sign up](https://write.as/new), [lets you read](https://read.write.as), and leaves out the comments, claps, and [dickbars](https://daringfireball.net/2017/06/medium_dickbars). It's perfect for when you just need to get your thoughts out — and if you want to share, you can always cross-post to Medium.