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  2. - if user_signed_in?
  3. %li= link_to t('settings.account_settings'), edit_user_registration_path
  4. - else
  5. - if controller_name != 'sessions'
  6. %li= link_to t('auth.login'), new_user_session_path
  7. - if controller_name != 'registrations'
  8. %li= link_to t('auth.register'), available_sign_up_path
  9. - if controller_name != 'passwords' && controller_name != 'registrations'
  10. %li= link_to t('auth.forgot_password'), new_user_password_path
  11. - if controller_name != 'confirmations' && (!user_signed_in? || !current_user.confirmed? || current_user.unconfirmed_email.present?)
  12. %li= link_to t('auth.didnt_get_confirmation'), new_user_confirmation_path
  13. - if user_signed_in? && controller_name != 'setup'
  14. %li= link_to t('auth.logout'), destroy_user_session_path, data: { method: :delete }