The code powering
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21 lines
628 B

  1. %tr
  2. %td
  3. = link_to proof.badge.profile_url, class: 'name-tag' do
  4. = image_tag proof.badge.avatar_url, width: 15, height: 15, alt: '', class: 'avatar'
  5. %span.username
  6. = proof.provider_username
  7. %span= "(#{proof.provider.capitalize})"
  8. %td
  9. - if
  10. %span.positive-hint
  11. = fa_icon 'check-circle fw'
  12. = t('')
  13. - else
  14. %span.negative-hint
  15. = fa_icon 'times-circle fw'
  16. = t('identity_proofs.inactive')
  17. %td
  18. = table_link_to 'external-link', t('identity_proofs.view_proof'), proof.badge.proof_url if proof.badge.proof_url