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Eugen Rochko 6a3f9b7e53
Move more tasks to tootctl (#8675)
5 lat temu
.circleci Use CircleCI workflows for ruby dependencies (#8228) 5 lat temu
.github Multiple Issue templates (#7402) 6 lat temu
app Weblate translations (2018-09-13) (#8692) 5 lat temu
bin config/boot is required first (#8619) 5 lat temu
config Weblate translations (2018-09-13) (#8692) 5 lat temu
db Add missing indices for ON DELETE CASCADE constraints (#8332) 5 lat temu
docs Fix redirect link on (#1595) 7 lat temu
lib Move more tasks to tootctl (#8675) 5 lat temu
log Initial commit 8 lat temu
nanobox [Nanobox] Tuning Update (#6660) 6 lat temu
public update twemojie to v2 (#7911) 5 lat temu
spec Misc. typos (#8694) 5 lat temu
streaming Add health endpoint to streaming API (#8441) 5 lat temu
vendor/assets Initial commit 8 lat temu
.babelrc Remove debug option from Babel preset env (#6852) 6 lat temu
.buildpacks Add ffmpeg buildpack for scalingo (#8500) 5 lat temu
.codeclimate.yml fix RuboCop error (#7442) 5 lat temu
.dockerignore Add .bundle to .dockerignore (#7895) 5 lat temu
.editorconfig Add final newline to locale files (#2890) 7 lat temu
.env.nanobox Rename S3_CLOUDFRONT_HOST to S3_ALIAS_HOST. (#8423) 5 lat temu
.env.production.sample Rename S3_CLOUDFRONT_HOST to S3_ALIAS_HOST. (#8423) 5 lat temu
.env.test Add parallel test processors (#7215) 6 lat temu
.env.vagrant Add a default to .env.vagrant 7 lat temu
.eslintignore Dev Tooling fixes (eslint/editorconfig) (#1398) 7 lat temu
.eslintrc.yml Update ESLint for Code Climate (#7696) 5 lat temu
.foreman Replace sprockets/browserify with Webpack (#2617) 7 lat temu
.gitattributes Add .gitattributes file to avoid unwanted CRLF (#3954) 6 lat temu
.gitignore Ignore elasticsearch directory (#7070) 6 lat temu
.haml-lint.yml Added haml-lint and fix warnings (#2773) 7 lat temu
.nanoignore Remove Storybook (#4397) 6 lat temu
.nvmrc Upgrade Node.js to v8.x on nvmrc (#8023) 5 lat temu
.postcssrc.yml Add object-fit polyfill for Edge (#4182) 6 lat temu
.profile Add ffmpeg and dependent packages as well as LD_LIBRARY_PATHs (#3276) 7 lat temu
.rspec Adding a Mention model, test stubs 8 lat temu
.rubocop.yml Move more tasks to tootctl (#8675) 5 lat temu
.ruby-version Update Ruby to version 2.4.4 (#6964) 6 lat temu
.scss-lint.yml Enable CodeClimate SCSS Lint checks (#2886) 7 lat temu
.slugignore Remove Storybook (#4397) 6 lat temu
.yarnclean Reduce container size with clean yarn (#3506) 6 lat temu using mailto scheme in (#8663) 5 lat temu
Aptfile Adjust Aptfile for Heroku-18 stack (#8588) 5 lat temu Add code of conduct from GitHub generator (#5674) 6 lat temu Improve “how to translate” (#7358) 6 lat temu
Capfile remove capistrano/faster_assets from Capfile (#2737) 7 lat temu
Dockerfile Dockerfile: run asset precompilation as a build step (#7780) 5 lat temu
Gemfile Add thor to Gemfile directly (#8467) 5 lat temu
Gemfile.lock Add thor to Gemfile directly (#8467) 5 lat temu
LICENSE Fix #49 - License changed from GPL-2.0 to AGPL-3.0 7 lat temu
Procfile More robust PuSH subscription refreshes (#2799) 7 lat temu Fix Procfile on OS X (#6748) 6 lat temu Update 5 lat temu
Rakefile Initial commit 8 lat temu
Vagrantfile Fix nodejs 8.x install in vagrant (#8105) 5 lat temu
app.json Change logo URL for Heroku and Scalingo (#4476) 6 lat temu
boxfile.yml [Nanobox] Enable ElasticSearch support by default (#6977) 6 lat temu Fix rubocop issues, introduce usage of frozen literal to improve performance 7 lat temu
docker-compose.yml Misc. typos (#8694) 5 lat temu
jest.config.js Enable coverage for Jest (#5442) 6 lat temu
package.json Redesign public profiles and toots (#8068) 5 lat temu
priv-config TOR federation (#7875) 5 lat temu
scalingo.json Add ffmpeg buildpack for scalingo (#8500) 5 lat temu
yarn.lock Redesign public profiles and toots (#8068) 5 lat temu


Build Status Code Climate Translation status

Mastodon is a free, open-source social network server based on open web protocols like ActivityPub and OStatus. The social focus of the project is a viable decentralized alternative to commercial social media silos that returns the control of the content distribution channels to the people. The technical focus of the project is a good user interface, a clean REST API for 3rd party apps and robust anti-abuse tools.

Click on the screenshot below to watch a demo of the UI:


Ruby on Rails is used for the back-end, while React.js and Redux are used for the dynamic front-end. A static front-end for public resources (profiles and statuses) is also provided.

If you would like, you can support the development of this project on Patreon.



No vendor lock-in: Fully interoperable with any conforming platform

It doesn’t have to be Mastodon, whatever implements ActivityPub or OStatus is part of the social network!

Real-time timeline updates

See the updates of people you’re following appear in real-time in the UI via WebSockets. There’s a firehose view as well!

Federated thread resolving

If someone you follow replies to a user unknown to the server, the server fetches the full thread so you can view it without leaving the UI

Media attachments like images and short videos

Upload and view images and WebM/MP4 videos attached to the updates. Videos with no audio track are treated like GIFs; normal videos are looped - like vines!

OAuth2 and a straightforward REST API

Mastodon acts as an OAuth2 provider so 3rd party apps can use the API

Fast response times

Mastodon tries to be as fast and responsive as possible, so all long-running tasks are delegated to background processing

Deployable via Docker

You don’t need to mess with dependencies and configuration if you want to try Mastodon, if you have Docker and Docker Compose the deployment is extremely easy


Please follow the development guide from the documentation repository.


There are guides in the documentation repository for deploying on various platforms.


You can open issues for bugs you’ve found or features you think are missing. You can also submit pull requests to this repository. Here are the guidelines for code contributions

IRC channel: #mastodon on


Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Eugen Rochko & other Mastodon contributors (see

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Extra credits

The elephant friend illustrations are created by Dopatwo