The code powering
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  1. - content_for :content do
  2. .dashboard-wrapper
  3. .dashboard__sidebar
  4. .dashboard__top-bar.alternate
  6. .dashboard__current-user
  7. = link_to account_path(current_user.account) do
  8. = image_tag current_user.account.avatar.url(:medium), class: 'dashboard__current-user__avatar'
  9. %strong.dashboard__current-user__display-name= display_name(current_user.account)
  10. %span.dashboard__current-user__username= "@#{current_user.account.username}"
  11. %ul
  12. %li{ class: active_nav_class(root_path) }
  13. = link_to root_path do
  14. = fa_icon 'home'
  15. Home
  16. %li{ class: active_nav_class(oauth_authorized_applications_path) }
  17. = link_to oauth_authorized_applications_path do
  18. = fa_icon 'shield'
  19. Authorized apps
  20. %li{ class: active_nav_class(settings_path) }
  21. = link_to settings_path do
  22. = fa_icon 'user'
  23. Edit profile
  24. .dashboard__content
  25. .dashboard__top-bar
  26. = content_for?(:page_title) ? yield(:page_title) : 'Mastodon'
  27. %ul
  28. %li= link_to fa_icon('gear'), edit_registration_path(current_user), title: 'Change password'
  29. %li= link_to fa_icon('sign-out'), destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete, title: 'Sign out'
  30. .dashboard__content__content= yield
  31. = yield(:raw_content)
  32. .footer
  33. .domain= Rails.configuration.x.local_domain
  34. = render template: "layouts/application"