Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Fix interactive delays in database migrations with no TTY (#12969)

Fix #12587
Eugen Rochko pirms 4 gadiem
committed by GitHub
Šim parakstam datu bāzē netika atrasta zināma atslēga GPG atslēgas ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 mainītis faili ar 42 papildinājumiem un 36 dzēšanām
  1. +15
  2. +15
  3. +12

+ 15
- 13
db/migrate/20170918125918_ids_to_bigints.rb Parādīt failu

@@ -70,20 +70,22 @@ class IdsToBigints < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
included_columns << [:deprecated_preview_cards, :id] if table_exists?(:deprecated_preview_cards)

# Print out a warning that this will probably take a while.
say ''
say 'WARNING: This migration may take a *long* time for large instances'
say 'It will *not* lock tables for any significant time, but it may run'
say 'for a very long time. We will pause for 10 seconds to allow you to'
say 'interrupt this migration if you are not ready.'
say ''
say 'This migration has some sections that can be safely interrupted'
say 'and restarted later, and will tell you when those are occurring.'
say ''
say 'For more information, see https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/5088'
if $stdout.isatty
say ''
say 'WARNING: This migration may take a *long* time for large instances'
say 'It will *not* lock tables for any significant time, but it may run'
say 'for a very long time. We will pause for 10 seconds to allow you to'
say 'interrupt this migration if you are not ready.'
say ''
say 'This migration has some sections that can be safely interrupted'
say 'and restarted later, and will tell you when those are occurring.'
say ''
say 'For more information, see https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/5088'

10.downto(1) do |i|
say "Continuing in #{i} second#{i == 1 ? '' : 's'}...", true
sleep 1
10.downto(1) do |i|
say "Continuing in #{i} second#{i == 1 ? '' : 's'}...", true
sleep 1

tables = included_columns.map(&:first).uniq

+ 15
- 13
db/migrate/20180528141303_fix_accounts_unique_index.rb Parādīt failu

@@ -20,19 +20,21 @@ class FixAccountsUniqueIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]

def up
say ''
say 'WARNING: This migration may take a *long* time for large instances'
say 'It will *not* lock tables for any significant time, but it may run'
say 'for a very long time. We will pause for 10 seconds to allow you to'
say 'interrupt this migration if you are not ready.'
say ''
say 'This migration will irreversibly delete user accounts with duplicate'
say 'usernames. You may use the `rake mastodon:maintenance:find_duplicate_usernames`'
say 'task to manually deal with such accounts before running this migration.'

10.downto(1) do |i|
say "Continuing in #{i} second#{i == 1 ? '' : 's'}...", true
sleep 1
if $stdout.isatty
say ''
say 'WARNING: This migration may take a *long* time for large instances'
say 'It will *not* lock tables for any significant time, but it may run'
say 'for a very long time. We will pause for 10 seconds to allow you to'
say 'interrupt this migration if you are not ready.'
say ''
say 'This migration will irreversibly delete user accounts with duplicate'
say 'usernames. You may use the `rake mastodon:maintenance:find_duplicate_usernames`'
say 'task to manually deal with such accounts before running this migration.'

10.downto(1) do |i|
say "Continuing in #{i} second#{i == 1 ? '' : 's'}...", true
sleep 1

duplicates = Account.connection.select_all('SELECT string_agg(id::text, \',\') AS ids FROM accounts GROUP BY lower(username), lower(domain) HAVING count(*) > 1').to_hash

+ 12
- 10
db/migrate/20181024224956_migrate_account_conversations.rb Parādīt failu

@@ -62,16 +62,18 @@ class MigrateAccountConversations < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]

def up
say ''
say 'WARNING: This migration may take a *long* time for large instances'
say 'It will *not* lock tables for any significant time, but it may run'
say 'for a very long time. We will pause for 10 seconds to allow you to'
say 'interrupt this migration if you are not ready.'
say ''

10.downto(1) do |i|
say "Continuing in #{i} second#{i == 1 ? '' : 's'}...", true
sleep 1
if $stdout.isatty
say ''
say 'WARNING: This migration may take a *long* time for large instances'
say 'It will *not* lock tables for any significant time, but it may run'
say 'for a very long time. We will pause for 10 seconds to allow you to'
say 'interrupt this migration if you are not ready.'
say ''

10.downto(1) do |i|
say "Continuing in #{i} second#{i == 1 ? '' : 's'}...", true
sleep 1

migrated = 0

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