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Account domain blocks (#2381) * Add <ostatus:conversation /> tag to Atom input/output Only uses ref attribute (not href) because href would be the alternate link that's always included also. Creates new conversation for every non-reply status. Carries over conversation for every reply. Keeps remote URIs verbatim, generates local URIs on the fly like the rest of them. * Conversation muting - prevents notifications that reference a conversation (including replies, favourites, reblogs) from being created. API endpoints /api/v1/statuses/:id/mute and /api/v1/statuses/:id/unmute Currently no way to tell when a status/conversation is muted, so the web UI only has a "disable notifications" button, doesn't work as a toggle * Display "Dismiss notifications" on all statuses in notifications column, not just own * Add "muted" as a boolean attribute on statuses JSON For now always false on contained reblogs, since it's only relevant for statuses returned from the notifications endpoint, which are not nested Remove "Disable notifications" from detailed status view, since it's only relevant in the notifications column * Up max class length * Remove pending test for conversation mute * Add tests, clean up * Rename to "mute conversation" and "unmute conversation" * Raise validation error when trying to mute/unmute status without conversation * Adding account domain blocks that filter notifications and public timelines * Add tests for domain blocks in notifications, public timelines Filter reblogs of blocked domains from home * Add API for listing and creating account domain blocks * API for creating/deleting domain blocks, tests for Status#ancestors and Status#descendants, filter domain blocks from them * Filter domains in streaming API * Update account_domain_block_spec.rb
7 年之前
Fix Account model deprecation warnings (#3689) ``` DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:60) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:60) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:60) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:61) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:62) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:63) ``` Here's PR describing changes to Dirty API
7 年之前
Fix Account model deprecation warnings (#3689) ``` DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:60) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:60) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:60) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:61) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:62) DEPRECATION WARNING: The behavior of `attribute_changed?` inside of after callbacks will be changing in the next version of Rails. The new return value will reflect the behavior of calling the method after `save` returned (e.g. the opposite of what it returns now). To maintain the current behavior, use `saved_change_to_attribute?` instead. (called from block in <class:Account> at /Users/rene/Workspace/personal/ruby/mastodon/app/models/account.rb:63) ``` Here's PR describing changes to Dirty API
7 年之前
8 年之前
8 年之前
8 年之前
Account domain blocks (#2381) * Add <ostatus:conversation /> tag to Atom input/output Only uses ref attribute (not href) because href would be the alternate link that's always included also. Creates new conversation for every non-reply status. Carries over conversation for every reply. Keeps remote URIs verbatim, generates local URIs on the fly like the rest of them. * Conversation muting - prevents notifications that reference a conversation (including replies, favourites, reblogs) from being created. API endpoints /api/v1/statuses/:id/mute and /api/v1/statuses/:id/unmute Currently no way to tell when a status/conversation is muted, so the web UI only has a "disable notifications" button, doesn't work as a toggle * Display "Dismiss notifications" on all statuses in notifications column, not just own * Add "muted" as a boolean attribute on statuses JSON For now always false on contained reblogs, since it's only relevant for statuses returned from the notifications endpoint, which are not nested Remove "Disable notifications" from detailed status view, since it's only relevant in the notifications column * Up max class length * Remove pending test for conversation mute * Add tests, clean up * Rename to "mute conversation" and "unmute conversation" * Raise validation error when trying to mute/unmute status without conversation * Adding account domain blocks that filter notifications and public timelines * Add tests for domain blocks in notifications, public timelines Filter reblogs of blocked domains from home * Add API for listing and creating account domain blocks * API for creating/deleting domain blocks, tests for Status#ancestors and Status#descendants, filter domain blocks from them * Filter domains in streaming API * Update account_domain_block_spec.rb
7 年之前
8 年之前
  1. # frozen_string_literal: true
  2. # == Schema Information
  3. #
  4. # Table name: accounts
  5. #
  6. # id :bigint(8) not null, primary key
  7. # username :string default(""), not null
  8. # domain :string
  9. # secret :string default(""), not null
  10. # private_key :text
  11. # public_key :text default(""), not null
  12. # remote_url :string default(""), not null
  13. # salmon_url :string default(""), not null
  14. # hub_url :string default(""), not null
  15. # created_at :datetime not null
  16. # updated_at :datetime not null
  17. # note :text default(""), not null
  18. # display_name :string default(""), not null
  19. # uri :string default(""), not null
  20. # url :string
  21. # avatar_file_name :string
  22. # avatar_content_type :string
  23. # avatar_file_size :integer
  24. # avatar_updated_at :datetime
  25. # header_file_name :string
  26. # header_content_type :string
  27. # header_file_size :integer
  28. # header_updated_at :datetime
  29. # avatar_remote_url :string
  30. # subscription_expires_at :datetime
  31. # silenced :boolean default(FALSE), not null
  32. # suspended :boolean default(FALSE), not null
  33. # locked :boolean default(FALSE), not null
  34. # header_remote_url :string default(""), not null
  35. # statuses_count :integer default(0), not null
  36. # followers_count :integer default(0), not null
  37. # following_count :integer default(0), not null
  38. # last_webfingered_at :datetime
  39. # inbox_url :string default(""), not null
  40. # outbox_url :string default(""), not null
  41. # shared_inbox_url :string default(""), not null
  42. # followers_url :string default(""), not null
  43. # protocol :integer default("ostatus"), not null
  44. # memorial :boolean default(FALSE), not null
  45. # moved_to_account_id :bigint(8)
  46. # featured_collection_url :string
  47. # fields :jsonb
  48. # actor_type :string
  49. #
  50. class Account < ApplicationRecord
  51. USERNAME_RE = /[a-z0-9_]+([a-z0-9_\.]+[a-z0-9_]+)?/i
  52. MENTION_RE = /(?<=^|[^\/[:word:]])@((#{USERNAME_RE})(?:@[a-z0-9\.\-]+[a-z0-9]+)?)/i
  53. include AccountAvatar
  54. include AccountFinderConcern
  55. include AccountHeader
  56. include AccountInteractions
  57. include Attachmentable
  58. include Paginable
  59. enum protocol: [:ostatus, :activitypub]
  60. # Local users
  61. has_one :user, inverse_of: :account
  62. validates :username, presence: true
  63. # Remote user validations
  64. validates :username, uniqueness: { scope: :domain, case_sensitive: true }, if: -> { !local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
  65. validates :username, format: { with: /\A#{USERNAME_RE}\z/i }, if: -> { !local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
  66. # Local user validations
  67. validates :username, format: { with: /\A[a-z0-9_]+\z/i }, length: { maximum: 30 }, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
  68. validates_with UniqueUsernameValidator, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
  69. validates_with UnreservedUsernameValidator, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_username? }
  70. validates :display_name, length: { maximum: 30 }, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_display_name? }
  71. validates :note, length: { maximum: 160 }, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_note? }
  72. validates :fields, length: { maximum: 4 }, if: -> { local? && will_save_change_to_fields? }
  73. # Timelines
  74. has_many :stream_entries, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy
  75. has_many :statuses, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy
  76. has_many :favourites, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy
  77. has_many :mentions, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy
  78. has_many :notifications, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy
  79. # Pinned statuses
  80. has_many :status_pins, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy
  81. has_many :pinned_statuses, -> { reorder('status_pins.created_at DESC') }, through: :status_pins, class_name: 'Status', source: :status
  82. # Endorsements
  83. has_many :account_pins, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy
  84. has_many :endorsed_accounts, through: :account_pins, class_name: 'Account', source: :target_account
  85. # Media
  86. has_many :media_attachments, dependent: :destroy
  87. # PuSH subscriptions
  88. has_many :subscriptions, dependent: :destroy
  89. # Report relationships
  90. has_many :reports
  91. has_many :targeted_reports, class_name: 'Report', foreign_key: :target_account_id
  92. has_many :report_notes, dependent: :destroy
  93. has_many :custom_filters, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy
  94. # Moderation notes
  95. has_many :account_moderation_notes, dependent: :destroy
  96. has_many :targeted_moderation_notes, class_name: 'AccountModerationNote', foreign_key: :target_account_id, dependent: :destroy
  97. # Lists
  98. has_many :list_accounts, inverse_of: :account, dependent: :destroy
  99. has_many :lists, through: :list_accounts
  100. # Account migrations
  101. belongs_to :moved_to_account, class_name: 'Account', optional: true
  102. scope :remote, -> { where.not(domain: nil) }
  103. scope :local, -> { where(domain: nil) }
  104. scope :without_followers, -> { where(followers_count: 0) }
  105. scope :with_followers, -> { where('followers_count > 0') }
  106. scope :expiring, ->(time) { remote.where.not(subscription_expires_at: nil).where('subscription_expires_at < ?', time) }
  107. scope :partitioned, -> { order(Arel.sql('row_number() over (partition by domain)')) }
  108. scope :silenced, -> { where(silenced: true) }
  109. scope :suspended, -> { where(suspended: true) }
  110. scope :without_suspended, -> { where(suspended: false) }
  111. scope :recent, -> { reorder(id: :desc) }
  112. scope :alphabetic, -> { order(domain: :asc, username: :asc) }
  113. scope :by_domain_accounts, -> { group(:domain).select(:domain, 'COUNT(*) AS accounts_count').order('accounts_count desc') }
  114. scope :matches_username, ->(value) { where(arel_table[:username].matches("#{value}%")) }
  115. scope :matches_display_name, ->(value) { where(arel_table[:display_name].matches("#{value}%")) }
  116. scope :matches_domain, ->(value) { where(arel_table[:domain].matches("%#{value}%")) }
  117. scope :searchable, -> { where(suspended: false).where(moved_to_account_id: nil) }
  118. delegate :email,
  119. :unconfirmed_email,
  120. :current_sign_in_ip,
  121. :current_sign_in_at,
  122. :confirmed?,
  123. :admin?,
  124. :moderator?,
  125. :staff?,
  126. :locale,
  127. :hides_network?,
  128. to: :user,
  129. prefix: true,
  130. allow_nil: true
  131. delegate :chosen_languages, to: :user, prefix: false, allow_nil: true
  132. def local?
  133. domain.nil?
  134. end
  135. def moved?
  136. moved_to_account_id.present?
  137. end
  138. def bot?
  139. %w(Application Service).include? actor_type
  140. end
  141. alias bot bot?
  142. def bot=(val)
  143. self.actor_type = ? 'Service' : 'Person'
  144. end
  145. def acct
  146. local? ? username : "#{username}@#{domain}"
  147. end
  148. def local_username_and_domain
  149. "#{username}@#{Rails.configuration.x.local_domain}"
  150. end
  151. def to_webfinger_s
  152. "acct:#{local_username_and_domain}"
  153. end
  154. def subscribed?
  155. subscription_expires_at.present?
  156. end
  157. def possibly_stale?
  158. last_webfingered_at.nil? || last_webfingered_at <=
  159. end
  160. def refresh!
  161. return if local?
  163. end
  164. def unsuspend!
  165. transaction do
  166. user&.enable! if local?
  167. update!(suspended: false)
  168. end
  169. end
  170. def memorialize!
  171. transaction do
  172. user&.disable! if local?
  173. update!(memorial: true)
  174. end
  175. end
  176. def keypair
  177. @keypair ||= || public_key)
  178. end
  179. def fields
  180. (self[:fields] || []).map { |f|, f) }
  181. end
  182. def fields_attributes=(attributes)
  183. fields = []
  184. if attributes.is_a?(Hash)
  185. attributes.each_value do |attr|
  186. next if attr[:name].blank?
  187. fields << attr
  188. end
  189. end
  190. self[:fields] = fields
  191. end
  192. def build_fields
  193. return if fields.size >= 4
  194. raw_fields = self[:fields] || []
  195. add_fields = 4 - raw_fields.size
  196. add_fields.times { raw_fields << { name: '', value: '' } }
  197. self.fields = raw_fields
  198. end
  199. def magic_key
  200. modulus, exponent = [keypair.public_key.n, keypair.public_key.e].map do |component|
  201. result = []
  202. until
  203. result << [component % 256].pack('C')
  204. component >>= 8
  205. end
  206. result.reverse.join
  207. end
  208. (['RSA'] + [modulus, exponent].map { |n| Base64.urlsafe_encode64(n) }).join('.')
  209. end
  210. def subscription(webhook_url)
  211. @subscription ||=, secret: secret, webhook: webhook_url, hub: hub_url)
  212. end
  213. def save_with_optional_media!
  214. save!
  215. rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
  216. self.avatar = nil
  217. self.header = nil
  218. self[:avatar_remote_url] = ''
  219. self[:header_remote_url] = ''
  220. save!
  221. end
  222. def object_type
  223. :person
  224. end
  225. def to_param
  226. username
  227. end
  228. def excluded_from_timeline_account_ids
  229. Rails.cache.fetch("exclude_account_ids_for:#{id}") { blocking.pluck(:target_account_id) + blocked_by.pluck(:account_id) + muting.pluck(:target_account_id) }
  230. end
  231. def excluded_from_timeline_domains
  232. Rails.cache.fetch("exclude_domains_for:#{id}") { domain_blocks.pluck(:domain) }
  233. end
  234. def preferred_inbox_url
  235. shared_inbox_url.presence || inbox_url
  236. end
  237. class Field < ActiveModelSerializers::Model
  238. attributes :name, :value, :account, :errors
  239. def initialize(account, attr)
  240. @account = account
  241. @name = attr['name'].strip[0, 255]
  242. @value = attr['value'].strip[0, 255]
  243. @errors = {}
  244. end
  245. def to_h
  246. { name: @name, value: @value }
  247. end
  248. end
  249. class << self
  250. def readonly_attributes
  251. super - %w(statuses_count following_count followers_count)
  252. end
  253. def domains
  254. reorder(nil).pluck(Arel.sql('distinct accounts.domain'))
  255. end
  256. def inboxes
  257. urls = reorder(nil).where(protocol: :activitypub).pluck(Arel.sql("distinct coalesce(nullif(accounts.shared_inbox_url, ''), accounts.inbox_url)"))
  258. DeliveryFailureTracker.filter(urls)
  259. end
  260. def search_for(terms, limit = 10)
  261. textsearch, query = generate_query_for_search(terms)
  262. sql = <<-SQL.squish
  263. SELECT
  264. accounts.*,
  265. ts_rank_cd(#{textsearch}, #{query}, 32) AS rank
  266. FROM accounts
  267. WHERE #{query} @@ #{textsearch}
  268. AND accounts.suspended = false
  269. AND accounts.moved_to_account_id IS NULL
  270. ORDER BY rank DESC
  271. LIMIT ?
  272. SQL
  273. find_by_sql([sql, limit])
  274. end
  275. def advanced_search_for(terms, account, limit = 10, following = false)
  276. textsearch, query = generate_query_for_search(terms)
  277. if following
  278. sql = <<-SQL.squish
  279. WITH first_degree AS (
  280. SELECT target_account_id
  281. FROM follows
  282. WHERE account_id = ?
  283. )
  284. SELECT
  285. accounts.*,
  286. (count( + 1) * ts_rank_cd(#{textsearch}, #{query}, 32) AS rank
  287. FROM accounts
  288. LEFT OUTER JOIN follows AS f ON ( = f.account_id AND f.target_account_id = ?) OR ( = f.target_account_id AND f.account_id = ?)
  289. WHERE IN (SELECT * FROM first_degree)
  290. AND #{query} @@ #{textsearch}
  291. AND accounts.suspended = false
  292. AND accounts.moved_to_account_id IS NULL
  293. GROUP BY
  294. ORDER BY rank DESC
  295. LIMIT ?
  296. SQL
  297. find_by_sql([sql,,,, limit])
  298. else
  299. sql = <<-SQL.squish
  300. SELECT
  301. accounts.*,
  302. (count( + 1) * ts_rank_cd(#{textsearch}, #{query}, 32) AS rank
  303. FROM accounts
  304. LEFT OUTER JOIN follows AS f ON ( = f.account_id AND f.target_account_id = ?) OR ( = f.target_account_id AND f.account_id = ?)
  305. WHERE #{query} @@ #{textsearch}
  306. AND accounts.suspended = false
  307. AND accounts.moved_to_account_id IS NULL
  308. GROUP BY
  309. ORDER BY rank DESC
  310. LIMIT ?
  311. SQL
  312. find_by_sql([sql,,, limit])
  313. end
  314. end
  315. private
  316. def generate_query_for_search(terms)
  317. terms = Arel.sql(connection.quote(terms.gsub(/['?\\:]/, ' ')))
  318. textsearch = "(setweight(to_tsvector('simple', accounts.display_name), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector('simple', accounts.username), 'B') || setweight(to_tsvector('simple', coalesce(accounts.domain, '')), 'C'))"
  319. query = "to_tsquery('simple', ''' ' || #{terms} || ' ''' || ':*')"
  320. [textsearch, query]
  321. end
  322. end
  323. def emojis
  324. @emojis ||= CustomEmoji.from_text(emojifiable_text, domain)
  325. end
  326. before_create :generate_keys
  327. before_validation :normalize_domain
  328. before_validation :prepare_contents, if: :local?
  329. private
  330. def prepare_contents
  331. display_name&.strip!
  332. note&.strip!
  333. end
  334. def generate_keys
  335. return unless local? && !Rails.env.test?
  336. keypair =
  337. self.private_key = keypair.to_pem
  338. self.public_key = keypair.public_key.to_pem
  339. end
  340. def normalize_domain
  341. return if local?
  342. self.domain = TagManager.instance.normalize_domain(domain)
  343. end
  344. def emojifiable_text
  345. [note, display_name,].join(' ')
  346. end
  347. end